Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Going to Vorkuta, Russia

Hey Everyone,
I will be leaving for Vorkuta, Russia on March 10. Will fly to Moscow, from there fly north and a little east to Uhkta, and from there ride 14 hours by train to Vorkuta, which is above the artic circle. If you go to search engine and type in "Vorkuta, Russia," you will find some interesting and heart-wrenching stories of people living there. Also, check out the website that takes you to the weather forecast. It is quite cold there, and just recently the sun has reappeared on the southern horizen for a few minutes each day.
I will be teaching "Synoptic Gospels" and "New Testament Theology" to about 39-45 pastors. Please pray for safe traveling and adquate sleep while I am there. When I was there in Oct. of 2004, I had a difficult time sleeping because they have 25% less oxygen, due to the lack of green plants.
I hope to hear from a lot of you while I am gone.


f o r r e s t said...
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Anonymous said...

Galen, Be advised, You are in our prayers.
We had a freak weather pattern go through the KC area yesterday. The Weather forecasters say today, Monday, that there were about 20 tornados in this storm.
The main KU campus in Lawrence was hit on Sunday at 8:00 a.m. As a result of widespread damages, KU's classes were cancelled for Monday. KC Kansas was touched, as was parts NE of there in Missouri. Another storm cell zeroed in on Sedalia, Mo. Lots of farms were torn up, as the storm approached Sedalia.
Suprisingly, not too much human injury or death resulted from these widespread storms.
I trust the weather there is gentle and that you can get lots of restful sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dad,
I hope all is going well with you. The KU Jayhawks just won the Big 12 tournament by beating Oklahoma State, then Nebraska, and finally Texas (80-68.)

We are going over to the Jerguson's tonight for dinner with Aunt Mable. I believe mom will postpone her trip to Belle Vista until Tuesday so she can join us for dinner.

That's all for now.

Anonymous said...

Hi dad,
we missed you at the jerguson's house tonight. all of the kids were having a great time of romping around the house, making lots of noise, drinking ample amounts of pop, and sneaking lots of it is spring break. i trust you are having an extraordinary time. I can't wait to hear about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I hope you're having a great time! We had fun with everyone over here last night. Mable and Kay handled the chaos well. We're supposed to leave for SD on Thursday, but they've gotten 14 inches of snow and they are expecting more, so we're not sure we will still be going.

Keep us updated on how things are going there!

Jesse the Storyteller said...

Hey Mr. Wagner!! I hope your trip is going well!! We're back from Atlanta... woo!! =) See you on Monday


Anonymous said...

Hi Grandpa!

I miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr Wagner!
It's good to have you back as a teacher. No sub could ever compare to the incredible greatness of your style!
I appreciate you as a teacher!
Your class is basically my favorite of the day!
Well.. I'm glad you got back from Russia safely!
Atlanta was a blast!
It was absolutely incredible!
I look forward to the time when I get to come with you to Russia!
See ya later!
